
15 - Years Of Experience

Your IT partner in the India

SIMAK IT PVT. LTD. is a distinguished Indian-based Information Technology Services Company. Which is having an impressive track

record of delivering innovative solutions to a wide array of clients. Established 15 years ago, the company has consistently

demonstrated its expertise in offering top-notch services to both government and corporate departments. With ISO 9001:2015

certification and registration with the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME), SIMAK IT is a reliable partner for

cutting-edge technology solutions.


Empaneled with Planning Department Government of Maharashtra for Survey & Evaluation of Economical & 

Statistical Study.

▪ Empaneled with Water and Sanitation Department Government of Maharashtra as ISA for JJM.

▪ Empaneled with MRSAC (Maharashtra Remote sensing Application center) for Mapping of Water bodies with High

Resolution Satellite Maps.

▪ Empaneled with SWCD (Soil and Water Conservation Department) Government of Maharashtra as a DRO.

IT Enabled Services

Information Technology Enabled Services (ITES) refer to the outsourcing of various business processes to third-party service providers using information technology (IT).

GIS Based Survey, Mapping & Digitization

SeGIS (Geographic Information System) based survey, mapping, and digitization involve the use of technology to collect, analyze, and visualize spatial data

Survey & Evaluation of Government Schemes

Surveying and evaluating government schemes is a crucial aspect of governance and public administration

Economical & Statistical Analysis

Economic and statistical analysis is a critical component of understanding and interpreting economic phenomena.


Why Choose Us

  • Client First

    For any business, Clients are always at the core, We always start from where you are with your ideas and we think from the viewpoints of your end users

  • Effective Synergy

    Communication is to hear what isn't being said. We appear at times to over-communicate. While it sounds overwhelming, it works wonders for our clients and our company ultimately. With communication alone we solve real-world problems

  • On Time Delivery

    We have a great collection of internal frameworks with best-in-class infrastructure with a decade of experience in the IT software development industry that helps us to deliver solutions with superior quality at all times

Our History

Does any industry face a more complex audience journey and marketing sales process than B2B technology.

2021 - Startup

Technical content may have per suasive objectives.

2021 - Startup

Technical content may have per suasive objectives.

2021 - Startup

Technical content may have per suasive objectives.

2021 - Startup

Technical content may have per suasive objectives.